
CFGroovy 1.0 RC3

This is the final expected RC for CFGrovoy 1.0 and includes a couple more API tweaks (backwards compatible, of course).  Bad form to do this right now, but like the attributes-to-params change, I want to get them in before the 1.0 release so I can build the next round of enhancements without mucking up the [...]

The Groovy Sieve of Barney

Ok, it's really Eratosthenes', but it's my implementation (in Groovy, of course) along with simple display (in CFML, of course), and can be found here (with full source, of course).  If you just want to see the core sieve, here it is ('bound' is the upper range of the search):
class Node {

I'm Speaking at CFUNITED

Just got official word from Liz that I'll be speaking at CFUNITED this year on Groovy and CFML integration.  Joe Rinehart was originally slated to speak on this topic, but we're splitting the topic into two sessions.  He'll be speaking on backing Flex with Groovy and I'll be speaking about the CFML side.

More CFGroovy Goodness, Now With RC2

Four things of import, in no particular order:
First, another bug fix to CFGroovy today, this one more serious.  I made a silly blunder in the way I was executing scriptlets that lead to a slow memory leak from extraneous java.lang.Class instances being created.  It also reduced performance of scriptlets by a tangible amount.  If you're [...] Accounts are Live!

And why am I writing about this?  Because it's also the first CFGroovy / Hibernate app we've deployed into production.  So how did this first real-world adventure go for my youngest project?  Just swimmingly.
The adoption was actually championed by Joshua since I was working on another project at the time.  We went skunk-works, helped Koen [...]

CFGroovy HibernateTransactionAdvice Update

If you've used the HibernateTransactionAdvice CFC from the CFGroovy framework you may have witnessed weird behaviour after a failed transaction.  I had neglected to close the active session after an error is encountered and the transaction rolled back.  If you continued to use the Hibernate context after this happened for write operations you could encounter [...]

Joe on ORM

Joe Rinehart made a very good post about the state of "ORM" in CFML.  Namely, that there isn't any.  There are several abstract persistence frameworks for CFCs, but no real ORM solutions.
Like Joe, I've been using Hibernate/Groovy to back a lot of CFML applications of late and it's wonderful.  Certainly not without some downsides, but [...]

Sleepy Groovy

I just finished whipping up a quick little expense tracking app for Heather and me, and I'm again amazed at how wonderful the development experience is with FB3Lite, ColdSpring, and CFGroovy (Groovy and Hibernate for CFML).  When I was finished with the core functionality, I couldn't figure out where the app was.  There were my [...]

CFGroovy Demo App Update

A couple users complained that my CF Groovy demo app doesn't work on MS SQL Server because Hibernate doesn't escape the table names it creates, and "user" is a reserved word.  Since I do all my work on MySQL, I never saw the issue.
I've updated the code to use an @Table annotation to specify an [...]

Even More Groovy

I have a confession to make.  My neat little code counter utility is partially a lie.  I wrote the entire thing as a single Groovy script, and only split it up into individual files for each class to release it.  271 lines of code (419 if you count the blank lines) simply does not justify [...]