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FlexChart Update

Long time no blog…  I've updated my FlexChart component slightly, as well as repackaged it for easier consumption.  The new feature is the availability of a 'dataTipFunction' attribute on the root 'chart' element, which will be called to format data tips.  It gets passed an object with various keys about the backing chart item.  Since [...]

The Custom Tag Body-Scope

I was working with FlexChart a little this evening and ran into an interesting situation with a potentially very useful solution. I don't claim to be the first to think of it, but it's the first time I've used/seen it.
I added a date preparation tag a while back, but I thought it'd be nicer [...]

My Blog, My Rules

Charlie Arehart send me an email the other day  about my Flex charting control and the way it's presented on the site (which is poorly).  I ended up writing a fairly long response that was a bit tangential, but unreasonably so.  The basic premise was that it's my site, and I don't like maintaining web [...]

New FlexChart Demo

I've updated the FlexChart demo to include display of the descriptor XML that is loaded into the chart, as well as providing a way to edit the XML inline and load your modified XML into the chart client-side.  In addition to being far easier to experiment with, it also showcases the the client-side redrawing of [...]

Clickable FlexCharts

I just updated FlexChart with a 'click' callback.  You can now specify the name of a JavaScript function to be invoked when a data point on the chart is clicked.  The function is passed the ID of the chart, the series label, and the x and y values for the point, in that order.  Check [...]

More Flex Chart Goodness

This evening, I extended my Flex charting widget further.  The demo is still available, and I've posted a new ZIP archive of the source.   Here's a quick rundown of what's changed:

The custom tag is now called xmlchart.cfm, instead of just chart.cfm.  That's to make way for a different chart.cfm that provides an XML-less interface (like [...]

My Flex-based Chart Engine

I've been looking for a good charting mechanism for a few personal apps.   CFCHART works in some cases, but I usually opt for SVG, either rendered inline (i.e. SVG and XHTML interleaved in an XML doc) or rasterized into a PNG server-side via Batik.  Both solutions have their merits, but both also have a lot [...]