
CFGroovy 2 Has Moved

Until this evening, CFGroovy 2 has lived as a branch in the original CFGroovy project.  Now it has it's very own top-level directory.  So if you've any working copies and/or unpinned svn:externals pointed at
you'll need to switch them to point at
Apologies for any inconvenience this causes, but CFGroovy 2 really isn't a new version of [...]

CFML Request Parameters

If you've worked with ColdFusion (or CFML) for very long, you've probably noticed that CFML's treatment of request parameters is a little unorthodoxed.  Specifically, it doesn't differentiate between multiple instance of the same parameter being passed.  Consider this url:
As you can see, there are three instances of the 'a' parameter, one of which has a [...]

ColdFusion Struct Literals Are Not Thread Safe (CFML Ones Are)

If you read my blog regularly or follow me on Twitter, you know how much I hate Adobe's quasi-implementation of struct (and array) literals.  I'm really hoping "third time's a charm" and CF9's implementation is sane.  The gripe is that this code:
<cfset s = {
name = "barney",
age = 29
} />
is executed [...]

Riddle Me This, CFLOOP

Take this simple loop:


What is the output?  My answer is the numbers 1-3 followed by 7-10.  But I was dismayed to learn this evening that it doesn't seem to be the case on my server.  There it outputs 1-10 with no breaks.  Can someone please [...]

Shoot the Engineers

About a week ago, Marc Funaro wrote an interesting blog post about CFML and OO.  The prevailing opinion (via Twitter, blogs, etc) is that Marc is incorrect/inaccurate/inexperienced/whatever, and I disagree completely.  He hit the nail on the head.
HTTP is a stateless, request-response environment.  Nearly all web applications interface with a SQL database, which is also [...]

My First cf.objective()

I know I'm late to the "cf.objective() recap" party, but I've been both crazy busy and rather tired, so I haven't got to it until now.
First, I'd never been to Minneapolis before, and from the little I saw, it's a pretty nice place.  Obviously I missed the "buried under snow" part, and that definitely puts [...]

Minor FB3lite Update (and a Weird CF Bug)

This evening while adding some reporting to PotD (NSFW, OMM) to help nail down some performance issues that I think are Apache's fault, I noticed a strange issue with FB3lite.  If you've used it, you know the core of the "framework" are the do() and include() UDFs.  Both contain a CFINCLUDE tag, and a weird [...]

CFGroovy And Script Output

One final CFGroovy update for cf.objective() 2009, and then heading to a plane.
In the first version of CFGroovy output generated by your script was discarded.  This fit the original concept behind scriptlets well, but it made debugging kind of a pain, because you had to exit the script in order to dump out any state.  [...]

CFYourFavoriteLanguage (Formerly CFGroovy)

CFGroovy grew some wings this afternoon.  It retains it's core functionality of running Groovy code in a CFML environment, whether you have it installed on your classpath or if it's transparently loaded from the local copy of the JAR.  However, it now supports any JSR 223 scripting language as well (assuming you're on a 1.6 [...]

More CFGroovy2 Goodness

Last night at dinner I was talking with Mark Mandel and Luis Majano and realized I'd completely misunderstood the way JavaLoader worked based on my initial look see.  So for the price of 21 additional lines (nine of which are purely for misbehaving CFML runtimes), CFGroovy will transparently load an internal copy of Groovy if [...]