Implicit Blocks in Fusebox 5.5.1

The XML syntax used by Fusebox since the 4.0 version allows for conditional expressions like these:




In the latter case, the
tags are basically irrelevant, because they provide the same containership and semantic as the tag itself.  Fusebox 5.0 and older allowed you to omit the
tags in this case:


This only makes sense if you don't have a block, because if you have both blocks, then the tag doesn't provide the correct containership.

Fusebox 5.5, however, made the
tag required even for the simple case. This is unfortunate, I think, because it adds needless verbosity, and from digging around in the code, I suspect that it was primarily driven by implementation limitations, rather than user requests.

As part of migrating an app from 5.0 to 5.5.1, I really didn't want to have to go back and add all those extra tags, nor deal with the extra verbosity when maintaining the application down the road.  So I wrote a small patch for the core files that will allow an implicit
tag in the 5.0 style when using the 5.5.1 cores:

Index: fuseboxVerb.cfc
--- fuseboxVerb.cfc	(revision 778)
+++ fuseboxVerb.cfc	(working copy)
@@ -33,20 +33,26 @@


Index: verbs/if.cfm
--- verbs/if.cfm	(revision 778)
+++ verbs/if.cfm	(working copy)
@@ -35,13 +35,9 @@
 		// at most one
, at most one , nothing else:
 		fb_.hasTrue = false;
 		fb_.hasFalse = false;
+		fb_.verbInfo.hasOther = false;
 		for (fb_.i = 1; fb_.i lte fb_.verbInfo.nChildren; fb_.i = fb_.i + 1) {
-			if (fb_.verbInfo.children[fb_.i].getNamespace() is not "") {
-				fb_throw("fusebox.badGrammar.illegalVerb",
-						"Illegal verb",
-						"An 'if' may contain only 'true' and 'false' verbs in fuseaction #fb_.verbInfo.circuit#.#fb_.verbInfo.fuseaction#.");
-			}
-			switch (fb_.verbInfo.children[fb_.i].getVerb()) {
+			switch (fb_.verbInfo.children[fb_.i].getNamespace() & fb_.verbInfo.children[fb_.i].getVerb()) {
 			case "true":
 				if (fb_.hasTrue) {
@@ -61,10 +57,41 @@
+				fb_.verbInfo.hasOther = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (fb_.verbInfo.hasOther) {
+			if (fb_.hasTrue OR fb_.hasFalse OR fb_.verbInfo.action.getCircuit().getApplication().strictMode) {
 						"Illegal verb",
 						"An 'if' may contain only 'true' and 'false' verbs in fuseaction #fb_.verbInfo.circuit#.#fb_.verbInfo.fuseaction#.");
-				break;
+			} else {
+				// only non-true/false and not strict mode, so wrap an implicit true around the children
+				// we have to do some acrobatics around the 'children' references
+				fb_.children = structNew();
+				for (fb_.i = 1; fb_.i lte fb_.verbInfo.nChildren; fb_.i = fb_.i + 1) {
+					fb_.children[fb_.i] = fb_.verbInfo.children[fb_.i];
+				}
+				structClear(fb_.verbInfo.children);
+				fb_.factory = fb_.verbInfo.action.getCircuit().getApplication().getFuseactionFactory();
+				fb_.implicitTrue = fb_.factory.create(
+						"true",
+						fb_.verbInfo.action,
+						structNew(),
+						fb_.children
+					);
+				fb_.verbInfo.children[1] = fb_.implicitTrue;
+				// now null out the remaining children
+				for (fb_.i = 2; fb_.i lte fb_.verbInfo.nChildren; fb_.i = fb_.i + 1) {
+					fb_.verbInfo.children[fb_.i] = fb_.factory.create(
+						"noop",
+						fb_.verbInfo.action,
+						structNew(),
+						arrayNew(1)
+					);
+				}
+				fb_.hasTrue = true;

Index: verbs/noop.cfm
--- verbs/noop.cfm	(revision 0)
+++ verbs/noop.cfm	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+') />

The implementation is kind of hacky because the XML compiler lacks a IR transformation step, so I had to fake one.  And that was further complicated by the parallelism in the internal datastructures, necessitating the creation of a "noop" verb to use as a placeholder in certain situation. 5 minimum deposit casino  More specifically, there isn't a way to add or remove verbs from the parse tree, only to change verbs, and implementing the functionality within that constraint required some "creative" programming.  ;)

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