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Skinning Sliders Flex

I've been working with a custom Slider extension (which selects a range of elements from a dataProvider, rather than numerics, plus a couple other little things), and got to skinning it this afternoon.  One of the design specs required different images for the two sliders, both pointing towards each other (i.e. mirror images of each [...]

Bicycle Dashboard Again

Another relatively minor change: the charts now use a DateTimeAxis instead of a category axis.  This way temporal spacing is preserved, rather than just ordering, and the axis isn't as cluttered, because it can drop labels without affecting the display semantics.

My New New Bike

This weekend I picked up my new new bike, a Fuji Cross Comp.  The other bike just wasn't stiff enough.  To be fair, it was a huge frame and designed for comfort not rigidity.  This one, however, is like a friggin' rock.  I can't bend it at all, no matter how hard I crank on [...]

Outage Update – It's Actually Over

Turns out when I posted last night about the downtime being over, it was a lie.  I managed to hit a window where things worked pretty well, but there were issues through midday today.  Cari has confirmed that the issue has been addressed and no more problems anticipated.  Hopefully they're right.  ;)

More Downtime

Cari.net (where my server lives) had a massive DDoS attack against their network today, resulting in 5+ hours of effective downtime starting around 2pm PDT.  The server was responding, and some traffic managed to get through, but in general the network was swamped to the point of being dead for all intents and purposes.  Apologies [...]

Schema Tool Update

I've just released a new version of my Schema Tool that won me a Wii. The major feature is SQL-based migration scripts, so you don't have to build big nasty CFSWITCH statements if you don't want to. To accommodate that, I've refactored the migration hierarchy, and deprecated BaseMigration. There is a new [...]

More Bicycle Dashboard Updates

I just pushed a couple usability tweaks to the bicycle dashboard app.  First, the profile you're viewing is now persisted in a cookie, as well as session, when you return to the app, you'll still be viewing the same thing, even if your session expired.  Before you'd always revert back to me, and while I'm [...]

The Delete is Done

I'm here at the Portland AIRBus tour, and just checked the status of my server.  7.2 GB of class files in the `/WEB-INF/cfclasses` directory.  Wow.  But they're all gone now, and things should stay good this time.

Unexpected Downtime

Had some unexpected downtime this afternoon.  ColdFusion's class file cache had completely filled the partition it resided on, locking up the box.   Deleting of all the files is still underway, but I've disabled the file-based cache so it doesn't happen again.  Everything is back up and running, albeit slowly as the system is churning away [...]

Flash 9.0.48 for Linux

Adobe has released Flash Player 9.0.48 for Linux, and my bicycle dashboard seems to work now, which is good news, since that app was undoubtedly not the only one affected.  If you're on Linux, go get it! LustPage