Flash 9.0.48 for Linux

Adobe has released Flash Player 9.0.48 for Linux, and my bicycle dashboard seems to work now, which is good news, since that app was undoubtedly not the only one affected.  If you're on Linux, go get it! LustPage

3 responses to “Flash 9.0.48 for Linux”

  1. Dilip

    Dear Barney,

    Just wondering where I can get flash 9.0.48 from! Im having severe problems with my current version – video is choppy / slow framerate. Am using Mepis 7.0 (linux) with a firefox browser!



  2. Dilip

    Cheers thanks for that Barney! I love Mepis' / Linux's functionality as compared to Windows (crap!) and I'd love for Flash to work properly!