
A Word About Development Environments

I saw this today, and thought it hilarious:
Java, being a mainstream programming language, has attracted major software companies to pour money and human effort into it. As a consequence, a lot of good integrated development environments (IDEs) are out there. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being a real programmer by using the good [...]

I'm on CFPanel This Evening

This evening (depending on where you live) is CFPanel, and Mark Mandel, Brian Kotek, and myself are talking about CF and Java integration.  It starts at 5pm PST (8pm EST) if you're interested in attending live, or will be available as a recording after the fact.

Project Euler Test Harness

Project Euler is a collection of mathematics/computer science problems, as you probably already know.  I've solved almost 50 of them so far, and I've developd a collection of utilities to make my job easier.  Some of them (factorization routines, prime generators, etc.) I'm not going to share as they are fundamental to solving certain problems.  [...]

Eclipse and JUnit

I started building a little Java app this evenings.  First time I've done Java SE work in a long time, and it's kind of nice.  Not sure why I picked Java instead of Groovy, but whatever.  Probably the same reason people go home for the holidays.
In any case, being the good developer I am, after [...]

Java SE 1.6.0_10

Just did the 1.6.0_10 upgrade on my server.  Oh how I love Linux.  Just unarchved the new JDK, repointed a single symlink and restarted my Java servers.  There didn't seem to be a significant difference in spinup time for my ColdSpring AOP-heavy apps – perhaps a touch faster.  No problems with Magnolia either as near [...]

Even More Groovy

I have a confession to make.  My neat little code counter utility is partially a lie.  I wrote the entire thing as a single Groovy script, and only split it up into individual files for each class to release it.  271 lines of code (419 if you count the blank lines) simply does not justify [...]

CF Groovy Preso

Last night I talked at the PDX RIA group about using Groovy to extend CFML applications and better leverage some of the benefits that Java has to offer (in addition to the benefits Groovy itself brings).  Unfortunately we had some technical difficulties, but the presentation was recorded on Connect, and can be accessed at  [...]

Thread.setContextClassLoader Doesn't Work on CF 8.0.0

I know the number of CF 8.0.0 installs is probably pretty minimal compared to CF 8.0.1, but thought this was worth pointing out.  If you use Thread.setContextClassLoader on CF 8.0.0, it raises no exception, but it doesn't actually set the ClassLoader for the thread.
I ran into this today using my CF Groovy/Hibernate integration on one [...]

Fun with Classloading in Java

With my CF Groovy project, I've been doing a lot of Java coding of late. It's all been written in CFML, but it's mostly Java code in CFML syntax. As an aside, doing that sucks. CFML is horrible for writing anything more than the simplest Java code. But on to the [...]

CF Groovy Takes a Nap

After close to two weeks of struggling, I finally managed to deploy pure source to a CFML runtime (Railo, in this case), and get Groovy entities in and out of the database with Hibernate.  No compliation, no IDE, no development-mode server, just my Groovy source along with a hacked up CF Groovy.  This is very [...]