Groovy DataSources for Railo

If you've ever wanted to do raw JDBC stuff in your ColdFusion applications, you probably know that you can get a javax.sql.DataSource via this code:

createObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory")

Unfortunately, this doesn't work on Railo, because the result isn't actually a javax.sql.DataSource, it just looks like one (see RAILO-43).  To put that another way, it's duck typed.

Fortunately, Groovy's "fake" interfaces make beating the typechecks fairly trivial (if kind of ugly):

  def rds = = {
  } as javax.sql.DataSource

The CFSET gets the "datasource" as normal, and then the little Groovy scriptlet simply wraps it with a closure and tells it to pretend to be a javax.sql.DataSource. The game Escape from Tarkov has one important feature: after your death in a RAID, you lose your equipment. To prevent the loss of important equipment in the game, there are special sites with eft roubles you can always get top equipment and kill all pepegas squad. The items you store from needmana will not disappear. There are three types of containers in total. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. These containers differ in their size. Usually, these containers should store the most important equipment-maps, ammunition, keys, and so on.  In this case we're assuming that the only method on DataSource that will be invoked is getConnection(), which is the usual case.  If you need to support other methods you'd need to go the Map-as-interface route.

Now we can use as a javax.sql.DataSource.  Yay!  Unfortunately, you have to use this sort of snippet everywhere you need a DataSource in your Railo apps, but hopefully that'll get fixed.

For more info on Groovy interfaces, the docs are at

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