Transaction Advice

As I've alluded to a couple times, I've put together a transaction advice implmentation for ColdSpring that uses the built-in AOP framework to transactionalize your service method invocations.  No more CFTRANSACTION tags in your code, and no more having to jump through hoops to avoid nested transactions with delegating calls in your service layer.  Just slap the transaction aspect into your app, set it up via a ProxyFactoryBean on the relevant ColdSpring beans, and away you go.  Further documentation and examples are available in the component itself.

I've opted for the GPL on this project, but if you have need of a different license, just let me know, and that can be arranged.  I'm not out to make money, just forcing people to ask for a commercial-friendly license will let me get a feel for how it's being used.  Let me say that again: commercial licenses will not require monetary compensation, just an email with some info about how you're using it.

10 responses to “Transaction Advice”

  1. Sean Corfield

    You realize that almost no commercial organization will be able to use this code under GPL? Many will take a look at the license and simply not download it at all. Even using LGPL is better than GPL and many companies don't like LGPL either (that's why Joe is under such pressure to move Model-Glue: Unity to ASL instead).

  2. Barney


    You did read the rest of that sentence, right? The part where I said "if you need a different license, just let me know", and then continue with "commercial licenses will not require monetary compensation, just an email with some info about how you're using it."

  3. Sean Corfield

    Yeah, I read it but my point was that a lot of places simply won't even download it to see whether or not it is worthwhile… GPL is a VERY restrictive license from a commercial companies point of view and I had hoped that Open Source CFers would have taken all the recent discussions about licenses to heart and been very wary of adopting GPL or LGPL.

    Maybe you could explain in more detail why you picked GPL as opposed to ASL or CPL or…?

  4. Barney

    Perhaps the second half of the middle sentance in that paragraph? "… forcing people to ask for a commercial-friendly license will let me get a feel for how it's being used."

    I've released stuff under several different licenses (GPL, LGPL, and MIT). Anyone who wants an different license for it can get it for the cost of an email. The reason was strictly leveraging the GPL's restrictiveness to make people send those emails.

    I could have accomplished a similar thing by only allowing downloads for people who fill in a form, but petty as it is, that annoys the hell out of me (I still haven't download an official FB5 distro for this reason, though I just checked and am glad to see the requirement is gone now). This way the "price of admission" is only paid by those that have to (i.e. need a commercial friendly license).

  5. Sean Corfield

    There is no form to fill in to download FB5. All the Fusebox downloads are direct now and have been for about six months I think.

    Consider this comment thread a request to provide your transaction advice under ASL2 :)

  6. Barney

    If I released it under the ASL, would you use it? If so, what for? An answer to the second question will get you an ASL licensed copy. ;)

  7. Sean Corfield

    1. Yes, probably.

    2. Sorry, that would be under NDA :)

  8. Barney

    1. cool.

    2. Fair enough. You'll get an email shortly.

  9. hua

    download link seems to be broken.