July 2008

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CF Groovy w/ Hibernate Sample App

I want to put together a little sample app leveraging CF Groovy and it's Hibernate integration, but I don't know what. From a high level, the architecture will look like this:

CFML for the view layer (the HTML templates)
CFML for the web controller (probably FB3Lite)
CFML and Groovy for the service layer (ColdSpring-managed CFC's with Groovy [...]

Fun with Classloading in Java

With my CF Groovy project, I've been doing a lot of Java coding of late. It's all been written in CFML, but it's mostly Java code in CFML syntax. As an aside, doing that sucks. CFML is horrible for writing anything more than the simplest Java code. But on to the [...]

CF Groovy Redux

I just got through significantly revamping CF Groovy so that it's CFC based, instead of all in the custom tags.  The custom tags remain, but now you can create and manage a CF Groovy runtime instance manually, rather than letting the tags do it for you.  This will greatly assist in production performance as the [...]

CF Groovy Takes a Nap

After close to two weeks of struggling, I finally managed to deploy pure source to a CFML runtime (Railo, in this case), and get Groovy entities in and out of the database with Hibernate.  No compliation, no IDE, no development-mode server, just my Groovy source along with a hacked up CF Groovy.  This is very [...]