
Neuromancer 0.6.5 Released

Neuromancer 0.6.5 has been released, and is available for download.  Along with the changes I've mentioned in previous posts, there are a few goodies from Rob in there.
We're in the process of finalizing some API changes that will comprise the next release.  As the project has evolved, the initial design has put forth a few [...]

Neuromancer Update

Rob did a bunch of work with Neuromancer last night, including appying a nice template to the site, setting up a wiki (available from the site), and committing a bunch of changes that he'd made since the 0.6.0beta was released in December, but which hadn't made it into Subversion yet.  Finally, he added automated nightly [...]

Neuromancer Again

While working on my CFUG preso for this month, I found another bug: dates weren't handled properly coming back from web service calls.  So I added support for them.  Patch file for js/io/RemoteObject.js below, or you can get the update and supporting test scripts from Subversion.
Index: RemoteObject.js
— RemoteObject.js (revision 10)
+++ RemoteObject.js [...]

Neuromancer [Re]Addition

A while back I need to do a standard form POST via Neuromancer, so I'd added a doFormPostRequest method to the JSRemote object.  I just needed it again, and for whatever reason, it hadn't made it's way into the core distribution.  So I merged my modded sources in (I love version control ; )), and [...]

Another Neuromancer Bug Fixed

Chris Philips found another Bug in Neuromancer today.  Computed numbers, returned as members of a struct, were always deserialized as null.  Literal numbers, however, were handled correctly.  While debugging the problem, I realized the methods with returntype="numeric" simply refused to run as well, for much the same reason.  Both glitches are now fixed.

As before, the [...]

Neuromancer Bug Fixed

 Chris Phillips found a bug in the Neuromancer 0.6.0beta today.  If you used the RemoteObjectLoader class (recommended), instead of the raw RemoteObjectFactory (way nasty), it was impossible to create multiple remote objects on a single page, because the RemoteObjectLoader class was not thread safe.  The first remote object created was always returned by every RemoteObjectLoader, [...]